Research in Dialogue with Politics and Practice

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National Networking

Smarter Health Care is connecting with key national institutions and organizations in the field of health services research. These include:


Swiss School of Public Health SSPH+
Swiss Learning Health System SLHS
Public Health Schweiz
Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences SAMS
Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Gesundheitspolitik SGGP
Schweizer Forum für integrierte Versorgung fmc

International Networking

Smarter Health Care is committed to promoting international collaboration in health services research. Key partnerships and networks include:

European Partnership on Transforming Health and Care Systems THCS 2023 – 2029: SNF, Innosuisse, and FOPH are part of this major research initiative aimed at developing innovative, feasible, implementable, financially sound, and scalable solutions to support the transformation of health systems towards greater resilience and sustainability at the EU level.

Wennberg International Collaborative WIC: Swiss researchers and policymakers have been collaborating with this initiative for many years to advance innovative health services research.

European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies: This network aims to facilitate international collaboration and knowledge transfer between countries in Europe.

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