Who is behind Smarter Health Care?
Behind Smarter Health Care are the following institutions and organizations in research, from the federal government and the cantons:
Swiss School of Public Health SSPH+
National Research Programme NRP 74 “Smarter Health Care”
Swiss Learning Health System SLHS
Swiss Personalized Health Network SPHN
Swiss Health Observatory Obsan
Federal Office of Public Health FOPH
Schweizerische Konferenz der kantonalen Gesundheitsdirektorinnen und -direktoren GDK
Representatives of these institutions came together in 2020 to form the steering group Smarter Health Care in order to secure and further develop the achievements, particularly of the National Research Programme 74 and the Swiss Learning Health System, in promoting health services research in Switzerland. They are supporting the development of the Smarter Health Care network.
Since January 2024, Smarter Health Care has been under the umbrella of SSPH+.
Benjamin Adler
(until 2024)
Andreas Balthasar
Herbert Brunold
Katrin Crameri
Luca Crivelli
Thomas Geiger
Rolf Heusser
Sarah Mantwill
Stéfanie Monod
Manuela Oetterli
Milo Puhan
Marcel Widmer
Marcel Zwahlen
What do we stand for?
With Smarter Health Care, we aim to promote access to current research, dialogue between stakeholders, and collaborative learning.
Additionally, we want to improve the use of routine data and access to funding, as well as strengthen international collaboration in health services research.
All of this should contribute to ensuring the sustainability of health services research in Switzerland, strengthening the health services research community, and fostering knowledge transfer between research, policy, and practice.